The postal services in Jerusalem during the Transition Period differed from those in the rest of the country, as Jerusalem was besieged. May 9, was the day when the post offices reopened and the local stamps were introduced in Jerusalem by the Minhelet Ha'am administration, after the closure for all practical purposes by the British on April 26. The end of the postal siege was June 21, as on that day the Second Convoy departed from Jerusalem by the "Burma" road. This date does not coincide with the "end" of Minhelet Ha'am postal services, which did not have a clear-cut end in Jerusalem, but it is the starting point of many normalizing factors which took place in the following weeks, like the arrival of Doar Ivri stamps in Jerusalem (20 June), the re-opening of the Main Post Office (21 June) with its two new bilingual postmarks and the first Israeli trilingual postmark (4 July). On the other hand, some other postal characteristics of the Transition Period, such as the acceptance of "Jerusalem Local Stamps" and Minhelet Ha'am postmarks in the Branch Post Offices, continued into late August.

Army Mail

Army Mail

Army Mail

Army Mail

Army Mail