Messageries Maritimes - was a French merchant shipping company. It was originally created in 1851 as Messageries nationales, later called Messageries impériales, and from 1871, Compagnie des messageries maritimes. In the beginning the Company operated routes to the Middle East. Its ships were used as troopships during the Crimean War, and were so helpful to the army that the Emperor gave the company the right to operate on the Bordeaux – Brazil route as thanks. This was the first French transatlantic line equipped with steamers. From 1871 to 1914 the Compagnie des messageries maritimes saw its golden age. This was the period of French colonial expansion and interventionism in the Middle and Far East. The Marseille liners continuously served in the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, then the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, the China Sea and finally the Pacific Ocean.

Messageries Maritime France